Impact (Fuzed Trilogy Book 1) Read online

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  Finally, it subsided, and with it, her mourning. She set her husband’s picture back on the table and stood up. Very slowly, she slid the wedding ring off her finger and gently laid it in a drawer.

  Her dad had always said she was as stubborn as a post. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she was going to get to the bottom of this mystery. She would find out who Josh really was.



  Elizabeth woke up the next morning determined. Lesia was right. Even if Josh’s situation wasn’t his fault, he was probably bad news, but there was only one way to find out. He said he spent a lot of time on the Internet, presumably to find his identity, but with limited access, he was obviously frustrated.

  Before starting her shift, she stopped by the maintenance office and asked where he was working. She found him sitting on the ground working on an automatic sprinkler head. As she approached, he was intently studying a small part in his hand and gently shaking his head. She stopped in front of him.

  Startled, he looked up and then smiled.

  She asked, “Fix it?”

  “Uh ... think so.” As he stood up, he tossed the part into a toolbox. With a half-smile, he added, “But sometimes I have extra parts when I’m finished.”

  Biting the side of her lip, she took a deep breath and quickly said, “If you need the Internet to save the world, I have two powerful computers with high speed access. Can’t use both of them at the same time. You’re still welcome to rent one of the rooms at my condo until you find a place.”

  He looked surprised and started to say something, but then stopped.

  “Look Josh, I heard you’ve been sleeping in the waiting room. This is purely a logical business arrangement for both of us.”

  He sighed and with a slight shake of his head, said, “Actually, that would be awesome. I have money for rent but it’s not a lot. I may have to pay by the week.”

  She handed him a key. “We’ll work something out.”

  As Elizabeth started her shift, Lesia came over smiling. “How’d dinner go?”

  “We talked for hours. Amnesia or not, he’s very intelligent and has amazing insight.”

  Lesia said, “And...?”

  Elizabeth gave her a wry smile. “You mean did we end up in bed?”

  Lesia just shrugged.

  “No, he was a gentleman.” She smiled. “We had a romantic moment on the balcony.” She paused and frowned. “Then he suddenly pulled back and said he had to go.”

  Lesia frowned. “Why are the cute ones always gay?”

  Elizabeth laughed. Shaking her head, she said, “We kissed. I’m pretty sure he’s not gay, but ...” looking more serious, she sighed, “he’s holding something back.” She paused. “I’m going to let him use my computer to help him find his identity.” Her eyes unfocused, as she added, “There’s just something about him.”

  This time, Lesia laughed. “Oh, honey, my first child was the result of those exact same words, but it’s not like you gave him the key to your condo.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes got wide.

  Lesia frowned. “Tell me you didn’t.”

  Her silence said it all.

  Lesia grabbed both of Elizabeth’s hands. “What am I going to do with you? You need to be careful. He might not be a sex fiend but that doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.”

  Elizabeth said, “It’s OK; I’m armed, I have a dog and another roommate.”

  Frowning, Lesia said, “Roommate?”

  “Amber Wilcox. She has boyfriend trouble and is staying with me temporarily. We’ll be safe.”

  “Amber from X-ray?”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  Lesia laughed and said softly, “Yeah, but will he be safe?”


  “Never mind.” Still holding Elizabeth’s hands, she clearly noticed the missing wedding ring and softened. “I can’t tell you how good it is to have you back among the living. I’m thankful to him for that, but baby girl, you need to shop around. Why don’t you go out with Terry Burns? He’s the nicest single doc in the hospital, and I know he likes you.”

  Elizabeth didn’t say anything.

  Lesia shook her head. “OK, but would you do me a favor?” She gave her a meaningful look. “You need to talk to Dr. Lopez. She evaluated him, and I’m sure she’ll share some professional insights.”

  With a resigned sigh, Elizabeth said, “OK.” Hugging Lesia, she added, “Thanks for looking out for me.”

  Josh had to admit, he was not only excited about uninterrupted computer access, he couldn’t wait to sleep in a bed again. After work, he rode home with Elizabeth in her Jeep.

  As they went inside, Elizabeth said, “It’s a three-bedroom, two-bath condo, so you’ll have to share the bathroom with Amber, my other roommate. Amber works at the hospital too. She’s just staying with me until she can get a new apartment.” She shrugged. “Boyfriend issues.”

  Sitting in a leather recliner, positioned directly in front of a large TV, was a cute twenty-something, wearing a virtual reality headset and actively working a controller.

  Elizabeth said, “And this is Amber.”

  Amber glanced up briefly, waved and refocused on the battle.

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes with a smile. “We don’t want to bother her. She’s protecting the world from brain-sucking aliens in still another online tournament.” They moved on to his new bedroom. It was small with no window and nothing but a bed and side table.

  “Sorry, it’s pretty tiny.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be a tight fit with all my stuff.” He winked.

  Smiling, she said, “I’ve got a quick meeting I need to go to. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”

  After she left, it took 30 seconds for him to hang his two shirts and set up house. As he came out of the bedroom, Amber finished her game and took off her headset. Five-foot-nothing with short, dark, spiky hair, she was very cute. She offered her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Amber.”

  “I’m Josh. So, did we win?”

  She smiled. “Yup. I’m really not a video game junkie, but we have a group that plays together.” She paused. Looking at him curiously, she asked, “So you, like, really have amnesia?”

  He frowned. “Ah, yeah.”

  “That’s so crazy. Does it hurt?” She moved closer, unconsciously extending a hand toward him as if to touch a bug.

  “Only when people mention it.”

  She pulled her hand back.

  He smiled. “I’m kidding. I feel great.”

  Returning his smile, she said, “You look great.” She paused. “Are you and Elizabeth, uh, like a thing?”

  He smiled. “No she’s just kind enough to take in strays.”

  “Strays unite!” She gave him a high five. “Elizabeth’s such an angel. She’s always helping people. I just broke up with my boyfriend because he turned out to be a little psycho.” She shook her head.

  Frowning, he said, “Sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s OK.” She smiled. “Hey, I’m going out to meet some friends for drinks, wanna come?”

  “Appreciate the invite, but I’ve got some computer work to do tonight.”

  After Amber left, he jumped on the computer. With an extremely high-speed connection, he dove into his research. Slowly, he began to realize the magnitude of what they were attempting. He also learned that detecting an undiscovered comet two years out was extremely difficult.

  He looked down at the dog. “Toto, Jesse’s organization has access to more than just advanced medical technology.” He frowned. “What they’re trying to do is next to impossible.” He shook his head. “Who does he really represent?”

  Toto didn’t respond.

  In science, the first task was to define the boundaries of the problem. In this case, it was an inbound comet on a collision course. He studied every idea ever proposed for asteroid or comet deflection. There were many clever concepts, but the “inbound” part eliminated almost all of them due to a lack of time.
  He told Toto, “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” After the Cold War, the grand scheme of an impenetrable ballistic-missile shield had slid to the back burner, but missile defense was alive and well. Several of his former military colleagues were pursuing the classified technologies. He pulled up the “Missile Defense Agency” website. Pointing to it for Toto’s benefit, he said, “This may explain Jesse’s interest in me.”



  It was early evening. He was online reading about high-energy laser physics, when Elizabeth came home. After a quick hello, she sat next to him and worked on the other computer. Even when she was quiet, which wasn’t often, he found it uncomfortable having her so close.

  As he tried to concentrate, the front door flew open. Turning around, he saw Amber rush in out of breath and in tears. She tried to close the door behind her, but a man stuck his foot in the door, forcing it open. She screamed, “Seth, leave me alone! You have no right to be here!”

  Josh was on his feet. He quickly sized up the situation. The man was mad and big, over six-foot-four with a 70-pound advantage on Josh, and all of it appeared to be muscle.

  Amber continued to back away as the man slowly advanced. “Amber, you’re coming home with me!”

  “I’m never coming with you. It’s over.”

  He could see the anger in the man’s eyes. Josh moved forward and motioned Amber back, saying softly, “Seth, let’s talk about this.”

  Seth glanced at him and then yelled at Amber, “Are you sleeping with him, too!”

  “This is Elizabeth’s friend. I just met him today!”

  With steel in her voice, Elizabeth said, “Get out of my house or I’m calling the police.”

  Toto started barking but smartly stayed behind Josh.

  Seth ignored them and continued to advance on Amber, yelling, “You’re coming with me!”

  Josh stepped between them.

  Seth put his hand on Josh’s shoulder and tried to push him out of the way.

  Using a martial arts hold, Josh grabbed Seth’s hand. Gripping it tightly around the thumb side, he twisted it back toward the door.

  Seth grunted in pain as he stopped.

  Twisting it further, Josh was able to push Seth backwards. “Seth, let’s talk about this.”

  No longer focused on Amber, Seth came at Josh with a hard right hook.

  As Josh’s adrenaline rose, he felt like the world slowed down. It was easy to dodge the blow and step inside the swing. He hit Seth with a lightning fast punch to his neck and carotid artery. The softening blow, as intended, staggered the big man.

  Once again, Josh tried to talk to him, but it became clear he was beyond reason.

  Seth’s face contorted in rage as he pulled a knife from his pocket.

  Josh saw a nine-inch blade.

  Amber screamed as Seth lunged at him.

  Amazed by the speed of his own reflexes, Josh blocked the thrust with ease, knocking the knife from Seth’s hand. Spinning inside, he punched Seth hard in the solar plexus.

  The blow only slowed the big man slightly. Recovering, Seth screamed and attacked with blind fury.

  As he charged, Josh grabbed the front of his shirt and put his right foot against Seth’s hip. Dropping himself to the floor on his back, Josh pulled Seth over the top.

  Seth’s momentum pivoted him in a perfect 360-degree flip. The huge man slammed onto his back with a satisfying crash, smashing a coffee table.

  Josh rode him through the flip, ending up on top of Seth.

  With the wind knocked out of him, the big man was stunned.

  Josh grabbed the back left side of Seth’s collar with his right hand, and did the same with his left hand. Crossing his arms over Seth’s throat, he created a chokehold.

  As Seth recovered, he tried to grab at Josh’s arms.

  Josh simply pulled both sides of Seth’s collar toward each other, cutting off the air and blood flow until Seth began to lose consciousness.

  Easing up a little, Josh leaned in and did his best Liam Neeson impression, whispering, “Do you want to live?”

  Seth struggled feebly.

  Josh increased the pressure.

  Seth finally stopped struggling and after a few seconds gave him a choked, “Yes.”

  Josh slowly reduced the pressure. “You and I are going to go out in the hall and have a little talk.”

  Seth nodded.

  Slowly releasing the hold, he stood up and offered Seth his hand.

  Still breathing heavily, Seth tentatively took it.

  Josh helped pull him to his feet and guided him out the front door. On the way out, he picked up Seth’s knife.

  Josh shut the door behind them and said softly, “Seth, you can’t go around beating up women. It’s not right, it’s not legal and it won’t score you many repeat dates.”

  Seth looked surprised.

  “Do you care for Amber?”

  Seth almost cried, “Yes, I love her.”

  Josh put his hand on Seth’s big shoulder and very quietly said, “OK, I’m going to give you a choice. If you go get a therapist and seriously work on your anger management issues, I promise to put in a good word for you with Amber. Can’t promise what she’ll do, but it’s your only chance of ever having a relationship with her or anyone else.” He paused, looking serious. “If I see your face anywhere near her before then, the best possible outcome for you will be jail. Do you understand me?”

  Seth nodded. Then, looking Josh in the eye, said, “If I get help, you’d ... you’d really put in a good word for me?”

  Josh gave him a hard look. “I could have broken your neck and been done with it.” He shrugged with a half-smile. “But I like helping people. Prove you’ve gotten help, and I’ll put in a good word ... I promise.”

  Seth gave a heavy sigh. “OK, I will.”

  Josh handed him his knife and patted him on the back. As he watched Seth leave, he let out a relieved sigh and knocked on the door.

  It opened tentatively with Elizabeth and Amber peeking out. Seeing him, they opened the door and leaned past him to look down the hall.

  As they all stepped inside, Amber, with wide eyes, said, “Wow.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Ditto.”

  He was feeling pretty impressed with himself until he noticed a Taser pistol in Elizabeth’s hand. He looked from the Taser to the smashed table and said, “Sorry about that. I’ll pay for it.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Are you kidding? You just paid for your month’s rent.”

  He shared his conversation with Seth, adding, “My ‘Dr. Ruth’ may not take. Amber, you need a restraining order and a gun, or,” he nodded toward Elizabeth’s hand, “one of those.”

  Amber, still watching him with wide eyes, just nodded her head.

  Elizabeth and Amber went to bed. Josh stayed up. He had to admit he was as surprised and impressed by his performance as they were. In his past life, he had a black belt in karate with some judo and jujitsu training, but he had never been competitive in tournaments. Josh loved to play but didn’t have the speed or “win at all cost” attitude to compete professionally. What he did have was a knack for understanding people. He was president of his fraternity, not because of his looks or popularity, but because he was good at breaking up fights and working with sororities. The psychology and martial arts moves he used with Seth weren’t new to him, but the speed of his new body and mind was nothing short of amazing. With adrenaline flowing, his body was so fast that it felt as if everything around him was moving in slow motion.

  A sound came from the kitchen. He relaxed when he heard the sound of clinking glasses. Looking up, he saw it was Amber with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other.

  Smiling, she said, “I never thanked you for what you did. That was like so amazing.”

  He smiled back. “You’re welcome but anyone would have done the same.” As he took
one of the offered glasses, he noticed she was wearing a man’s large button-down dress shirt as a nightgown.

  She shook her head as she poured the wine. “No, I’ve been in these situations before and no one did anything.” She drank half her glass and looked up at him with big eyes. “I’ve never had a knight in shining armor defend me.” Smiling, she said, “A toast, to a real gentleman.”

  As she raised her arm to toast, Josh couldn’t help but notice the shirt wasn’t buttoned and she wore nothing underneath it. The irony wasn’t lost on him. He was admiring what he shouldn’t, while being toasted as a gentleman.

  She drank the rest of her wine and put her hand on his knee. “After the battle, may I give my knight a back rub?”

  He so missed human touch and was tempted, but knew where it would lead. Amber was very cute, but not his type and he was still in love with his wife. Before he could formulate a reply, they both heard someone in the kitchen.

  Elizabeth appeared in her bathrobe.

  Amber removed her hand from his leg, and said, “I was just thanking Josh for saving my butt.”

  Glancing down at Amber’s shirt that didn’t quite cover it, Elizabeth said, “Yes ... I can see that.”

  Amber faked a yawn. “Well, it’s late. Guess I better turn in.” She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. With a smile, she took the bottle and her glass and said, “Goodnight.”

  Elizabeth watched her leave, and then turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “So, how’s the research going?”

  “A bit awkwardly.” He winked at her and added, “Thanks.”

  She winked back. “Night, Josh.”

  The next morning, Josh was up early. He’d just gotten out of the shower and was shaving when he heard a knock on the bathroom door. Before he could answer, Amber walked in.

  “Morning, Josh. Hope you don’t mind, but I’m running late for work again.”

  Wearing only shaving cream, he managed, “Uh, morning.” He watched her in the mirror as she walked behind him, peeling off her nightgown as she went. Dropping it on the floor, she stepped into the shower with nothing but a smile.